Workplaces, service providers, and community and faith-based groups can endorse Sanctuary City Principles by committing to providing:
1) Access to basic and essential services determined by need and not migration status
Services such as education, health services, food security, dignified housing, public transit, public safety, legal aid, and municipal services are meant for everyone regardless of status. This means:
- Not asking for proof of citizenship or information regarding immigration status when people are accessing services
- In circumstances when identification is required, service providers will accept other forms of identification, including but not limited to: letters of reference/support, municipal ID, expired ID
- Apply human and labour rights equally to all people regardless of migration status, and value people based upon their humanity
2) Access without fear
The fear of debt, deportation, and/or death should not limit people’s access to services. We recognize that the responsibility of enforcing immigration law falls onto Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) alone, and is NOT the responsibility of service providers, health care workers, other police agencies, transit security nor the municipal government. As such service providers will:
- Treat all information regarding other peoples’ immigration status as strictly confidential, and never share it with CBSA or IRCC
- Create and ensure CBSA free zones, where public spaces such as hospitals, clinics, schools, parks, community centers, neighborhood houses, settlement services, food banks, libraries, shelters, construction sites, city hall and public transit are zones where CBSA are not called, welcomed, or allowed entry
- Ensure that municipal and public resources will not be used to support CBSA investigations or activities
Current endorsers of these Principles are:
Alliance for People’s Health
Battered Women’s Support Services
BC Employment Standards Coalition
BC Federation of Labour
BC Government and Service Employees’ Union
BCGEU Component 3 Community Social Services Executive
BC Health Coalition
Canadian Union of Public Employees 1004
Children, Youth and Families Advisory Committee
Food Stash Foundation
Hospital Employees Union
Mainlander Collective
No One Is Illegal
Out on Campus Collective
Pave the Road BC
Reach Community Health Centre
Rise Women’s Legal Centre
Sanctuary Health
Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group: SFPIRG
Strathcona Midwifery Collective
Umbrella Multicultural Health Co-op
Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users
Vancouver Association for Survivors of Torture
Watari Counselling & Support Services Society
West Coast Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)
Endorsements can be sent to, and will be posted here.